Friday, April 1, 2011

Online craziness (March, 29, 2011)

Hi all!

Its your girls Nicole and Nadra here. Today we are going to share a crazy experience we had online while at school. Lol we should have been working but of course we couldn't. Damn you spring fever!! Nadra and I decided, after our failed attempt to focus on our work, to visit a chat room. This was the first time we've chatted togther with randoms. So we found this site (which shall remain nameless) and a whole bunch of guys clicked on us at once (of course ; D).

Most of the guys weren't anything special, just a bunch of hornballs. We messed around with a few and got some laughs. The most memorable person online though was, Tim. Tim was a 19yr old guy. One year younger than moi and 2 years younger than Nadra. We don't generally go for younger guys but we were bored so decided " y not" ? As soon as we started talking to this kid he got straight to the point and asked us if we wanted to be his gf. Now Nadra and I were alil put off by this, but we didn't think to much of it (Lots of  guys on chats are crazy so we thought just roll with it), " Sure" we said. Then it got weird. "I love u" is what he kept on repeating to us. We were pretty much looking at eachother uncomfortably thinking "is this guy for real"? But he was! Can you believe it he even wanted our num (note don't give strange men ur nums). We gave out ours just as a joke, afterall who in their right mind would randoamly call someone they just met on a chat? How naive of us! RINGGGG!! Nadra looked down at her phone, eyes and mouth wide open she lifts her cell phone for me to see. It was Tim! lol tiny timmmmm. Anyways, she shoved the phone in my hand and was like "u answer "!. I picked up ".....hello?" this male voice answers " this nikki?" (I didn't use my real name ; ) ) His voice sounded alil ..different. I'm not sure but he kind of sounded like he had some type of disability or just a really strange voice. Immediatly I was like Fuck! (R we messing with a person who has a disability :o) This is abit of what our short convo was like: Tim: I love u! are u mad?...Me: no I'm not..u actually called me?!!! . Tim: yup...I love u! Me:.....i love u too? (omg it felt so weird saying that..never said those words in my life to a guy only fam @.@ But he kept on saying it like a was waiting for me to say the words back to him). Note-At this point Nadra was laughing her ass off with another friend of ours Lori. I'm suprised he didn't comment on it- Back to convo Me: Um wow..this is so weird can't believe I'm talking to u, can't believe u called me..lets go back online now ok? Tim: Okay..I'll come back online later tho bc I have something tho finish. End Convo

I hang up the phone and Lori and Nadra just jumped me for the details. By the time I ended retelling them word for word what he said and what his voice sounded like we all knew that this charade had to come to an end A.S.A.P. Alittle while later I recived a notification alerting me Tim was back online.  I was shocked because only 15 mins had past and I thought he wouldn't be back on for hrs. As soon as hes back he starts again with his " Hi! I love u" and I just reply "haha thanks..." I was going to start telling him we couldn't be when he threw this fast ball at me. " So when do u want to start our family?" Note-Nadra and Lori were peering over my shoulder and as soon as we all read that part we all were like WTF? I couldn't believe this gay was serious. We must have been getting punked at that point. So I said "lol your joking right?" Tim : Yes Me: Okay good. lol I'm way to young to even consider answering that q Tim: "Yeahhh...when your 25 we can start talking about that" :O I started coughing giving 'help me' looks to Nadra and Lori but they were looking at me like ' your on ur own girl'. So then I continued Me: lol how would that work anyways we live in two diff countries? (trying to hint that this crazy 'relationship' was impossible!)
Tim: U can come live with me in Michigan. Me: Thats not ever going to happen. We can't be together in real life. (Finally I said it!) Tim didn't reply after that and just left. I don't know what happened, I guess he got the hint?  We learnt a lesson from this...never chat in  school.  We got nothing done -_-

Till next time,

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